This week

Services and Notices for the Week 10th – 17th April 2022

Online Resources

A Friday Reflection (available on Friday morning from 9 am) here.

Maundy Thursday – 19.45 Eucharist Service Leaflet here.

Good Friday – 13.00 Stations of the Cross here.

Good Friday – 14.00 Solemn Liturgy Order of Service here.

Good Friday – St John Passion here.

Music List for April here

Weekday Eucharist Order of Service here.

If you would like information about when the bells will be ringing this week, please visit the bellringers’ website here.


YouTube Subscription

Whilst we are busy live-streaming and pre-recording services, 77.6% of our ‘views’ on YouTube are from people who have not subscribed to our YouTube channel. Next time you are on YouTube, please click ‘Subscribe’ . This will make it much easier for you to access our videos and live-streams.

Micah Foodbank

The food donation box in the Narthex is still attracting regular offerings and is being emptied regularly. The need continues, so please do donate if you can. If you need donations picking up from your house, then contact the clergy.

Pasta and rice are the main ‘gaps’ at the Foodbank at the moment. If you could throw some extra in your shopping basket and deliver to Church then we can do the rest. Thank you!

Gift Aid

St Nick’s is grateful for all donations, but if you are a UK taxpayer and you put your gift in one of our Gift Aid envelopes (found at the back of the Church) and add your name and address, then the Church can get a further 25% of your gift back from the Government.

Similarly, if you make donations to the Church by monthly standing order, and you are a UK taxpayer but have not yet completed a Gift Aid form and sent it to Pauline Lewis, our Gift Aid Secretary, then we would be most grateful if you would do this so that we can increase the value of your monthly donation by 25% at no cost or inconvenience to you. Your name/details do not get passed to anybody and there is nothing further for you to do.

We encourage regular members of the congregation to join the Planned Giving Scheme. Please contact Pauline Lewis for further details.

Daily Calendar

Sun 10th April

9.00 Morning Prayer
10.00 Parish Eucharist

Palm Sunday

Mon 11th April

N.B. Daily prayer intentions can be found in the published weekly leaflet (link above).
9.00 Morning Prayer
Church Open

Monday of Holy Week

Tue 12th April

9.00 Morning Prayer
Church Open

Tuesday of Holy Week

Weds 13th April

9.00 Morning Prayer
12.15 Eucharist
Church Open

Wednesday of Holy Week

Thurs 14th April

9.00 Morning Prayer
19.45 Solemn Eucharist of the Lord’s Supper

Maundy Thursday

Fri 15th April

9.00 Morning Prayer
13.00 Stations of the Cross
14.00 Solemn Liturgy
19.00 Stainer’s Crucifixion
Church Open

Good Friday

Sat 16th April

15.00 Walk of Witness Prayers
19.30 Vigil and First Eucharist of Easter

Easter Eve

Sun 17th April

9.00 Morning Prayer
10.00 Parish Eucharist

Easter Day


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