Baptism, often called Christening, is the sacrament by which we become part of God’s
church. Every person is a beloved child of God even before their birth, but our identity
as Christian people is made visible to the world by baptism, when we also cement our relationship with him through grace.
Who can be baptised?
Anyone, of any age, who has not already been baptised, can present themselves for baptism. Most candidates for baptism are babies, brought by their parents, but we also regularly welcome adults who want to take this next step in their journey of faith. Adults are encouraged to come for Confirmation by their Bishop shortly after their baptism.
When do baptisms take place at Liverpool Parish Church?
Baptisms are usually conducted on the second Sunday of the month at 12 noon. Adults, and children of regular worshippers, are often baptized during the main Sunday service. There are no fees for baptism.

What happens in the baptism service?
The central symbol of the baptism service is washing with water. The candidate is refreshed and renewed through the holy water to begin a new life in Jesus Christ. Before this, the parents and Godparents, or the adult candidate, make promises, and the congregation vows to support them. They are marked with the sign of the cross with the oil of baptism, and at the end they receive a lighted candle as a symbol of Christ’s light in their lives. All this is surrounded by prayers, readings, and words of reflection. The service lasts about half an hour.
There’s more information, including a sample service, on the Church of England website here, and the priest taking the service will go through it with you in the week or two beforehand.
How do I arrange a service?
Use the Contacts form on the website or ring the Church Office, and we can discuss the details!
Heavenly Father, by the power of your Holy Spirit you give to your faithful people new life in the water of baptism. Guide and strengthen us by the same Spirit, that we who are born again may serve you in faith and love, and grow into the full stature of your Son, Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit now and for ever. Amen.