Liverpool Parish Church treats accessibility as a priority and has worked hard making the building accessible to all. Improving access to a heritage building can be challenging, but we welcome ideas and suggestions. If you are planning a visit and think you might need any assistance then please contact the Church Office in advance:

On Arrival
- We have very limited parking, but there are usually spaces available for disabled visitors on Sunday mornings. If you are attending a service or event during the week then please contact the Church Office in advance.
- There are automatic doors and level access into the Church.
- If you are visiting the Parish Centre then please press the buzzer by the door for assistance.
- Some local taxi firms use accessible vehicles.
- A manual wheelchair is available for use if required.
- All assistance dogs are welcome.
Visiting the Church
- Lighting is a combination of natural and diffused electric light.
- Seating is available for visitors. The dimensions of the seats are 40cm x 42cm. They are linked together but can be separated if required.
- Most of the Church is on a single level.
- All indoor public areas are ‘no smoking’.
- An accessible WC is available in the Parish Centre for those attending services or meetings. There are two steps between the Church and the Parish Centre, but there is level access to the Parish Centre from the forecourt. The lavatories are located on the Lower Ground floor but can be accessed using the lift.
- Baby changing facilities are available in the accessible WC.
- There are QR codes on most visitor signs which link to our website.

Visiting the Garden
- There is level access into the Gardens from the gate next to the Church.
- There is ample seating in the Gardens.
- There are paved pathways to all areas of the Gardens and to all features, sculptures and memorials.
There is level access to all areas.
Attending Services
- All service sheets for regular services are available to view or download on our website.
- We do our best to follow the British Dyslexia Association’s ‘Style Guide’ when putting together our printed service sheets.
- A hearing loop is available in the Church.
- Wheelchair users are invited to choose where they wish to sit and our sidespeople will remove chairs to facilitate this.
- At the Eucharist (Holy Communion), gluten free hosts are available. Communion can be brought to people in their places if they are not able to move to the front.

Visiting the Parish Centre
- There is level access from the forecourt into the Parish Centre. If you need assistance with the doors then please press the buzzer.
- There is a lift available to provide access to all public rooms, including the lavatories on the Lower Ground floor (which have pictorial signage).
- Free WiFi is available for users of the Parish Centre.