
INSPIRE is a call-to-action to create a movement of change for peace. Developed by Oasis UK, the aim of INSPIRE is to empower young people not only to learn from the past, but to choose to engage courageously with the present so that the future can be different. Using this year’s centenary of the end of WW1, we want to call young people across the UK and Ireland to take a stand for peace On the morning of Friday 9th November 2018, two days before Armistice Day, there will be a series high-profile, simultaneous INSPIRE events that will take place in cathedrals, churches and other major public venues around the UK and Ireland, designed for children and young people. The host venue for the flagship INSPIRE event in Liverpool is Liverpool Parish Church, and it will involve participation from a number of schools from across Liverpool, as well as a creative partnership with Wirral Methodist Circuit’s The Hope Journey

To find out more, please contact Dr Louis Johnson at Liverpool Parish Church, and check out the Oasis/INSPIRE website: