Family history
Many people are interested in tracing their family history through entries in parish registers. Records of baptisms and weddings can be invaluable in helping to complete family trees. A separate set of civil records is maintained (births, marriages, deaths) and supplements the information contained in parish records.
If you are hoping to trace records connected with Liverpool Parish Church, you will need to know that the church itself holds no records dating before 1965.

All parish records prior to this date are held at:
Liverpool Record Office
Central Libraries
William Brown Street
L3 8EW
A website containing a very helpful section on family history is here:
You may also wish to visit the Lancashire Online Parish Clerks Project. Here you will find transcriptions of St Nicholas’ registers for Baptisms (1776-1865), Marriages (1788-1840) and Burials (1776-1854). website link.
Records from 1965 onwards are still held at the Parish Church and searches by the Parish Administrator can be arranged by applying by post or email (contact details telephone 0151 236 5287). Duplicate certificates etc. can be issued on payment of the standard fees (information on request).
Searches inevitably take time (sometimes a great deal of time for more complex searches). A donation towards church costs would be appreciated to allow us to continue to provide this service. This is, of course, at your discretion.